Board of Education

2023 Board of Education

Arriba-Flagler CSD #20 Board of Education

Members: Gary Elrick - President (, Jacob Smith - Vice President (, Lindsey Michal - Secretary (, B.J. New - Treasurer (, Alexander Flores - Member (

The Arriba-Flagler CSD #20 School Board meets according to the schedule in the Board Room at 421 Julian Ave., Flagler, CO  80815.  If there is a conflict and a meeting needs to be moved to a different time or date, it will be posted on the front door of the main entrance to the school and published in The Flagler News if time allows. 

The Arriba-Flagler CSD #20 Board of Education is pleased to provide the following articles around board of education service and roles:

School Board 101-#1, #2, #3, #4