With the closing of The Flagler News at the end of 2024 concerned citizens in the community and school are doing an interest survey to determine the needs of the community and to come up with possible news information solutions. Please use the following link to complete the survey: https://forms.gle/RyfFDEYnBYDdDvFR9

The girls play their first game of regionals tomorrow! We will have a pep rally today, March 6th, at 3:15 PM in the gym.
There will also be a send-off for the bus tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
Let's show the girls our support! GO PANTHERS!

Panther Boosters is an organization of parents, teachers, faculty, and community members to encourage excellence in all Panthers. Examples of past initiatives include goodie bags for student-athletes and club members, funding "wish list" items, teacher appreciation week, pep rallies, honor roll incentives, and state testing encouragement.
Monthly meetings are on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM at Wheatland. Our next meeting is TOMORROW night! Contact Tara Bledsoe with any questions at 719-342-5042. We hope to see you there.

Flagler School will be closed today, March 4, due to hazardous travel conditions. A make-up day will be scheduled and that date will be published as soon as possible.

Flagler School will be on a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, March 4 due to forecasted weather and travel conditions. Buses will run two hours later than normal and breakfast will NOT be served. Classes will start at 10:00 AM. We will continue to monitor and update in the morning if necessary.

Panther Athletics for 3/3 - 3/8
Friday, 3/7 - Regional Semi-Finals (Single elimination)
11:00 AM - Flagler Girls vs. Granada
Saturday, 3/8 - Regional Semi-Finals
Girls Winners - 1:00 PM
Regional gate prices adults $8 students $5. Go Panthers!

REMINDER: Cocoa cappuccino day is tomorrow in the library! All classes are invited to come!

STUDENT EXCUSED ABSENCE FORM - This year, we created a form on the school website and app for Parents/Guardians to excuse students who will be absent. Please use this form when possible as it ensures communication doesn't fall through the cracks. Below is a link to this form. Contact Mrs. Bledsoe with any questions.

Panthers Athletics for 2/24-3/1
Friday & Saturday - HS Basketball @ ECA (Evangelical Christian Academy)
4052 Nonchalant Cir. S
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
ECA Tournament Schedule
Friday, Feb. 28 (varsity only).
4:00 - Rangely G vs. Cotopaxi G
5:30 - Rangely B vs. Cotopaxi B
7:00 - ECA G vs. Flagler G
8:30 - ECA B vs. Flagler B
Saturday, March 1
1:00 - G 3rd place
2:30 - B 3rd place
4:00 - G Championship
5:30 - B Championship

Tomorrow is Panther Cup for 7-12th grade so wear your team shirts!

2/22 - Parents Night (Basketball Athletes & Rock Band Students) Parents and students will be recognized right after the conclusion of the JV boys game, and before HS girls warm-up. 1:00 PM vs. Lonestar JVG (2Q), JVB (2Q), Parents recognition, VG, VB

REMINDER - The District Accountability Committee meeting is TONIGHT at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria. The Accountability Committee is open to all community members to establish transparency, integrity, and active participation in our school's activities and decision-making processes. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Kelly Packer at kpacker@af20.net. We hope to see you there!

UPDATE: The high school basketball games against Cheylin have been canceled today, 2/18/25.

Panther Athletics for 2/17-2/22
Tuesday 2/18 (Weather Permitting) - HS Basketball vs. Cheylin @ McDonald, KS - 4:00 PM MT/ 5:00 PM CT
Order of Games: JVG (2Q), VG, VB
The address for the gym in McDonald is :
504 Ottawa St.
McDonald, KS 67730
Friday 2/21 - JH/HS Basketball at home vs. Otis - 3:00 PM
Order of JH Games: Girls A, Boys A
Order of HS Games: JVB, VG, VB
Saturday 2/22 - HS Basketball at home vs. Lonestar - 1:00 PM
Parents Night
Order of HS Games: JVG (2Q), JVB (2Q), VG, VB

You can catch the Flagler basketball games against Wiley using the following link. Go Panthers!

Flagler School will be on a two- hour delayed start tomorrow, February 12th. Classes will start at 10:00 AM. Buses will run two hours later than normal. Breakfast will not be served.

SPELLING BEE TOMORROW - Some of our 4th, 7th, and 8th Graders and all of the 5th and 6th Graders will be participating in a spelling bee tomorrow at 2:30 PM in the Cafeteria. This event is open to the public, so please come support the competitors!

Panther Athletics UPDATE: The HS basketball games today 2/11, will now start at 4:30 PM.
Tuesday 2/11- HS Basketball at home vs. Stratton - 4:30 PM
Order of Games: JVB, VG, VB
Go Panthers!

Panther Athletics for 2/10-2/15
Tuesday 2/11- HS Basketball at home vs. Stratton - 4:00 PM
Order of Games: JVB, VG, VB
During the Stratton games, the Panther Family will be hosting the Ray of Hope for Raymond Bake Sale to support the Brant family. Make sure to stop by and purchase some goodies!
Also during the Stratton games, the Class of 2029 will be serving a Boneless Wings Meal, 4-8 PM. Come grab a meal and enjoy some Flagler basketball!
Wednesday 2/12 - HS Basketball @ Wiley - 4:00 PM
Order of HS Games: VG, VB
Friday 2/14 - JH/HS Basketball @ Bethune - 2:00 PM
Order of JH Games: AG, AB
Order of HS Games: VG, VB

Our school counselor, Ms. Heuer, is organizing a small group of 6th grade girls focused on developing Grit! Sessions will be on Thursdays at lunch for 8-10 weeks beginning February 13th. For more information and to consent for your child to participate, follow this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf_5aTWvGHVGDOEC1R7JQCFwS09f4WXKfOoW9nUIzB_isr-PQ/viewform